All of this happens automatically, and there is no need to turn on settings or set up special secret chats to secure your end-to-end encrypted messages,” claims a WhatsApp spokesperson. Is it true? “Messages sent on WhatsApp are secured with locks, and only the recipient and sender have the special keys needed to unlock and read your messages. WhatsApp has repeatedly claimed that end-to-end encryption ensures only the sender and recipient and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp, can read what’s sent. In other words, they claim that when you send a WhatsApp message to someone, the particular message, whether audio, video, image or text, cannot be intercepted by anyone during the time it first travels to the WhatsApp server and from there to the recipient’s phone. Messages sent across these platforms, including WhatsApp, are end-to-end encrypted and cannot be intercepted during transmission. Other popular apps like Telegram, Signal and iMessage are as vulnerable. Data security experts assert that WhatsApp is not the only messenger platform susceptible to breach.